“How to Have a Life” by Seneca

As I continue to dive into the Stoic philosophy, I found this book an interesting and pretty easy read. As easy as a translation of a couple thousand year old writings can be I suppose. But it really is readable and relatable despite its age.

Reading the book "How to Have a Life"

If you’re one to highlight, underline, or note take in margins, have a pen handy when you read this for sure. Within the first few pages I highlighted this little gem in bright orange:

Life’s long enough and generously allotted to allow us to achieve great things, if it were well spent; but when it seeps away through pleasure-seeking and lack of awareness, when it is dispensed for no good thing, then, as the final necssity bears down, we realize that the life we didn’t feel passing has alreayd gone past.

First of all, love the liberal use of commas to somehow make all of that just one sentence. Second, that is on page 3. You’re in store for 152 more pages of that kind of right-to-the-point wisdom. If you’re already crossed Meditations of your list and are looking for another Stotic work to read, I highly recommend this one.

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