“Bullies and Saints” by John Dickson

I just wrapped up “Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History”, by historian, speaker, and all-around neat guy John Dickson. I’ve actually seen him speak on several occasions, so I got the added bonus of having the voice in my head read this book in his Australian accent. Before you read this book, I recommend you listen to his podcast, Undeceptions, so you have have the same experience.

Reading the book "Bullies and Saints"

If you’re into history and have any curiosity or skepticism about religion, this is a good read. For me, having grown up going to Catholic school and becoming much less Catholic since, this gave a much broader perspective that just what I learned in class. It ranges from how the Christian church spread in the first few decades after Jesus (mostly the titular saints if you will), through the growth in size and power of the much more organized church in the Middle Ages (mixed bag of bullies and saints the rest of the way), and wraps up in modern times. For sure gives more sides to the stories I already knew, and introduces some people and events I’d never heard of.

It doesn’t shy away from calling out the church when it has been in the wrong, and presents very fact-based, research supported, historical accounts. If you’re afraid a book about Christianity will be too “churchy” or “preachy”, this one is not. It reads like a history book. Like I said, if you’re into history, Christianity, or both, it is worth checking out.

Support your local library, or pick up a copy you can keep.